Mr Fountain, I am so glad you are not letting this case go away. This is horrible and Jelani deserved everything being done. Is it possible to get independent investigators and another autopsy. And have his car and belongings scrubbed for clues. You are so right Black people deserve the same thing as others. And until things are equal, that will not happen. Is it possible to start a Go Fund Me Fund to reopen an investigation without people from the area where Jalani was found

Really independent investigators! By the way I am white and 82. Raised on the southside.

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Thank you so much for your comment. ...Yes, equality for all is the only way to improve this world. With regard to a Go Fund Me for Jelani, I do know that contributions may be made directly to the Jelani Day Foundation: https://www.thejelanidayfoundation.org/

Again, thanks kindly for your note and thank you for subscribing to 50 Cent A Word.



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