'We Do Journalism'; Shining The Light On The Forgotten
Journalism. Not co-opted. True stories told in real time. The first draft of history. Stories about life. And death. Portraits from the Mainstream and the Drained Stream.

By John W. Fountain
English, Sociology, History, Philosophy. They all have their place. But we do Journalism.
Real people, real issues, real lives, real stories. In the real world.
Human stories told through the journalistic craft of reporting and writing. Girded by the foundational principles, ethics and practice called Journalism.
Facts, Truth, Justice, Democracy, Accuracy and Fair Play. All are at the heart of journalism: “A current, reasoned reflection, in print or telecommunications to members of a society, of society’s events, values and needs.”
Journalism. Not co-opted. True stories told in real time. The stories of everyday life. The first draft of history. Stories that matter.
Like the story of what happens “When The City Turns Cold,” as reporters take readers to the front lines of the house-less in Chicago who, when winter comes, face subzero temperatures in the city’s frozen streets to shelters that work to provide refuge, and to other places where people are fighting to make a difference.
Like the story of The Faith Community of St. Sabina and their 12-hour bus trek to the nation’s capital for “The March To End Gun Violence”—with student-journalists embedded to chronicle the story—from start to finish. Providing a timestamp of daily events that matter.
Like “Saving Our Sons”—an intimate journalism story about the effort in Chicago to address the toll of murder against young Black men by young Black men. The underlying social complexities and the heart-wrenching stories of grieving mothers.
Like “The Unforgotten”—the untold story of 51 mostly African-American women in Chicago murdered by possibly at least one serial killer. Student journalists taking on the case to tell these women’s stories. To humanize them.

Journalism. Stories about life. And death. Portraits from the Mainstream and the Drained Stream.
Stories about poverty. Triumph. Hope. Love. Loss. Tragedy.
Stories that afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.
Non-fiction storytelling produced by agents of the Fourth Estate. Torchbearers of the First Amendment right to a Free Press that is indispensable to Freedom and democracy.
Not English, Sociology or Philosophy.
We – Do – Journalism
Email: Author@johnwfountain.com