Transformers: Moving Beyond The Church’s Walls
…So they march. Relentlessly, they march — whether the media shows up or not. Whether there are only a handful or many. They march — and…

John W. Fountain
OAKLAND, Calif.-At a busy intersection, here in East Oakland, horns blare in the Saturday morning air as a band of…
…So they march. Relentlessly, they march — whether the media shows up or not. Whether there are only a handful or many. They march — and stand — for peace.
“I said, ‘somebody died here.’ Der-rick died here. La-mar died here…” the leader continues, her half-sung chorus blasting over a bullhorn.
“I am outraged,” she chants. “I am irritated…”
The battle cry of several dozen protestors resounds far beyond this intersection at 98th and Bancroft Avenues. Their presence alone speaks volumes.