'The Heart Of My Angst Over calls for President Biden To Fold Up His Tent And Go Home Run Deep'
'What America needs is for the national news media to give fair and balanced coverage. To worry about their own house as much as the White House. And to take the beam out of their own eye.'
By John W. Fountain
So our democracy is at risk? From whom? From former President Donald Trump or those Democrats now calling on President Joe Biden to remove himself from the November presidential election ticket? Or is it the greatest threat to democracy the mainstream news media? Hmmm.
Amid the political smoke now blowing across the country and being broadcast in a stale 24-hour “news” spin cycle replete with the same talking aristocratic heads shoveling opinions rather than facts, it’s certainly hard to tell.
As a longtime journalist and journalism professor, none of it passes the smell test. In fact, it all leaves me wondering whether the Fourth Estate has lost its soul—at least sight of its mission. Just saying.
It also reeks of ageism—all this talk of Biden, at 81, not being as sharp as he used to be. Of verbal gaffes and his recent poor performance at a single presidential debate with Trump. Of being forgetful and moving slower than he used to. Excuse me, but past age 55, who is what they used to be?
It might be a case of the skillet versus the frying pan. The average age of the U.S. Senate, according to a Pew Research Center report, is 64.5, with House lawmakers lagging not that far behind at 57.9. At 78, Trump is just a few years younger than Biden himself, knocking on octogenarian-hood’s door. Maybe we should just get rid of all the old geezers—at least 15 of them senators age 76 or older, according to one report; at least 60, or half the Senate, age 60 or older.
Seriously though, at 97, my now dearly departed grandfather didn’t move like he used to. And I suspect that in a heated debate requiring him to rapid-fire the fine points on policies and issues under pressure, he likely would have not performed with his usual intelligent, quick-witted and contemplative pizazz. But his character humanity, and decency would not stutter. Neither have Biden’s.
Being an octogenarian or senior citizen is not a disqualification for public service. But neither apparently these days are indecency, felony convictions or profuse lying.
And, by the way, if using a teleprompter is a sin, then CNN news anchors and other broadcast journalists commit it daily. It takes more than a tool to make a fool.
But the heart of my angst over calls for President Biden to fold up his tent and go home run deeper.
Let’s say that one is inclined to believe the Dems and the news media’s so-called deep concern for the future of this country posed by a forecasted inability of Biden to defeat Trump in November—and the dreaded returning of the felony convicted, twice impeached, insurrection inciter-in-chief to the oval office. Then why aren’t the media, “Benedict-crats” exploring other options beyond Biden bowing out?
If Trump is indeed the real threat to American life, safety and posterity, then why isn’t the focus on defeating or derailing him? On circling the wagons and fortifying what many analysts and observers continue to assert is their best shot: An incumbent president with a proven record and decades of service to our country. A candidate, who, by the way, has already kicked Trump’s ass once.
Whose side are these coward-crats whispering in the shadows against Biden or spouting off disparagingly, really on? (See George Stephanopoulos)
If Biden and America are in the fight of our lives—for our lives—then do the news media and Democrats recognize who the very real and present danger is? Do they realize that every breath, word and ounce of energy spent trying to supplant Biden instead of trying to stop Trump is wasting precious time?
And, by the way, has CNN, the New York Times or Democratic Party leaders—who publicly or privately advocate for Biden to step aside—bothered to ask the average American voter what they think? Why is the mainstream news media’s coverage more “HoJo” Journalism (horse race), and filled with political opinion drivel rather than more objective, fact-based reporting and stories on the myriad issues pressing Americans far beyond the Beltway? Truth is, I doubt they care.
As a reporter, I have been on the inside of those elitist echo chambers called mainstream American newsrooms—damn near lily white—where most often there is a disconnection from the reality of life on Main Street America and a great divide from the struggles and concerns of Black Street America. The same goes for many of those in Congress. In the words of Kendrick Lamar, “They not like us.”
But I digress.
Amid the continual talk of demanding that Biden step aside, it might behoove Democrats to remember that it was free and open primaries across the country that gave American voters the opportunity to decide who the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party would be. If memory—and facts—serve me right, those voters, to the tune of millions, choose Joe Biden who now stands as the presumptive Democratic Party nominee with 3,896 delegates—nearly twice the amount needed to win the nomination.
Have those voters since said otherwise?
They have not. Indeed “the people” have already spoken.
So what’s up?
If Dems long knew something that voters should have known (as in serious and legitimate concerns about their man Biden) before they marched to presidential primaries, why in the hell didn’t they collectively say something long before now?
Or do some Democrats know something about their man that we don’t—something they’re hiding or are afraid to fully and finally make public? Something deeper, more disturbing, significant and substantiated that we should all know?
Short of that, the truth is, at this stage, Democrats—America and our democracy—would be better served by uniting behind the horse already well past the starting line rather than attempting to swap horses in the last quarter, and with the Democratic National Convention less than six weeks away.
Still, the high and mighty New York Times on Monday, citing polls and surveys, renewed its call for Biden to step aside. The Times’, which is not calling for Republicans to remove Trump as their candidate, concludes in its editorial: “The party needs a candidate who can stand up to Mr. Trump. It needs a nominee who can present Americans with a compelling alternative to Mr. Trump’s bleak vision for America.”
No, what the Democrats need are united leaders to stand behind their presumptive nominee chosen democratically. What the party needs is to not be ripped apart by wavering weak-kneed party leaders and Democratic supporters and celebs (George Clooney)—electing to punk out midrace.
And what America needs is for the national news media to give fair and balanced coverage. To worry about their own house as much as the White House. And to take the beam out of their own eye before attempting to take the speck out of anyone else’s.
Otherwise, they’re just as big a threat to our democracy.
Email: Author@johnwfountain.com