Thank You, Dear Reader
'Your support not only promotes my writing but also enables my reporting, and, frankly, my sustainability as an independent journalistic voice.'
Dear Subscriber,
This story is about you. I am writing to thank you, each and every one of you for joining the “50 Cent A Word Substack” family. As its founder, I am elated that you have chosen to continue following my writing. It tells me that you value my work and commitment to telling human stories and to truth, as well as the uniqueness of my voice and perspective. I do not take the investment of your time and your commitment as a reader for granted.
Your support is the wind beneath my wings, proof that there are still those who value this craft called writing and its practitioners who labor not for money but for the joy of this calling and the chance to make a difference.
I am equally excited about the opportunity to continue to write my column and also occasional special projects as long-form narratives with multimedia features, including photos and video. So stay tuned.
I also want to say a special thanks to all of our paid subscribers and especially our founding members. Your financial commitment supports not only my writing but also enables my reporting, and, frankly, my sustainability as an independent journalistic voice. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Just fyi, in addition to my Substack (which is my online publishing arm), I have launched of FountainWorks NFP, a federally tax-exempt not-for-profit organization focused on telling the untold stories of marginalized or underrepresented people like the stories of Jelani Day; the Unforgotten 51; Hear Africa Calling; Invasion of Faith; People of Accra; and many other stories and forthcoming independent journalism projects in print, multimedia and film as well as essays and columns by others in the FountainWorks team. Much of the work produced will also appear here on this Substack forum.
FountainWorks also includes a literacy and mentoring arm through the Real Mean Read program I started seven years ago at Matteson Elementary School in Matteson, Illinois, and The Richard R. Siska Scholarship established for college-bound, African-American young men at Southland College Preparatory High School in Richton Park, who participate in the program that reads to children on Thursday mornings; community writing and multimedia storytelling workshops; and a media literacy, arts & cultural exchange in Ghana. (All contributions to FountainWorks NFP are tax-exempt.)
Again, thank you so much for your support.
Peace & Blessings,
A true drum major for our justice! Your voice is critical!
Thank you