Our Sin: Born in America, Male, Black

By John W. Fountain
I cannot rest
Cannot write
Cannot carry on today
Unless I pause
to say:
“Why the hell did those cops treat Alton Sterling that way?”
Shot in the back and chest
While he lay helpless on the ground
Armed & Dangerous white killers get taken in without incident
Black men
get shot down
Armed or unarmed?
It really doesn't matter
Licensed to kill us on sight
The same old American chapter
“Shoot to maim, shoot to kill”
The lynching of black men
An historic American thrill
Then comes the assassination of our characterThe focus on our pastThough racist azzwhite cops circle the wagonsGet their seal of protection from invisible Grand DragonsConcoct tales that try and justifyThat ask us not to believe the tale of the (video) tapeNot to trust our “lying eyes”To ignore the cries:“I can’t breathe”“Officer, what did I do?”“Please tell me why?”
And years after Obama promised change was gon’ comeOur black blood still runs“Strange Fruit” no longer by noose but by a cop’s gun They choke usBeat usJail usMistreat usAs sure as the sun risesThe fabric of a nation still despises usStill calls us “Nigger”Moments before squeezing the triggerTreats “thug” and “professional” alikeThe color of our skinThe target of their sightsThat makes lynching rightThat sees all black men as:Rapists, killer, muggers, villainsIrredeemable trashAnimalistic creaturesthat murderous white cops should blastRather than fathersHusbandsLoversAs Menat last
And what is our sin?Except to live in America in this black skin?
And so,With tears in my eyes,I pause to sayAlton Sterling didn't deserve to die that wayMurdered while lying flat on his face with the white man’s foot on his neckIn the heat of the nightAmid flashes of the gunfire’s lightShots in the chestShots in the backNo crime or sin committedExcept to be born black
And eight years after the hope that change was gonna comeWe still getting lynchedAnd our black blood still runsAnd the pundits and experts take their sideFind ways to justify Why at the hands of those sworn to serve & protectWe black men die
Todayas I watched Alton Sterling’s son cryI could only ask why?
And yet, I’ve long been clear about that:Because he was born in America
Male & Black
Email: Author@johnwfountain.com
CNN STORY on Shooting and Federal Investigation